Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 2 Comment to Peer: Elaine

Elaine stated on her blog:

I have lived “out of the boat”. I had allowed life and others to not only get me off track but as the authors stated, I didn’t even know where the track was anymore. Truth is I am just now finding my way back. I would not have thought to think of this life I live as an invention that I could change. Sure I knew all the clichés about “working hard”, “never giving up”, “hanging in there”, and “if it won’t kill you it will make you stronger.” Hell then I outta be SuperWoman by now! But to think in terms of “it’s all invented” makes sense to me. I am already doing it. The moment I decided to start my Masters after losing my job and house I re-invented my wheel to turn into another pathway. Sure I didn’t know if it would work or if the wheel would take me anywhere but I made the wheel anyway and here I am riding a month before the finish line of graduating with a Masters degree.

My comment:
I understand where you are coming from.  I too have allowed others to get me off track but I am now living for me now.  For example, when people found out that I was going back to school and getting another masters they thought I was crazy.  They thought I should get a doctorate degree. But this is what I wanted to do and I am inventing a new life for myself, which I plan to enjoy.

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