Sunday, October 24, 2010



I really wanted to stop the Flash training and try something different like Photoshop, but because I know we will be using Flash later in this program, I decided to stay with it.

These are some of the things I learned
  • -       How to organize layers
  • -       Grouping layers into folders
  • -       Locking layers (which will be a very helpful tool)

I am still working on:
  • -       Inverse kinematics
  • -       Fonts

I am looking forward to working with audio and video in next.


Trying to add inverse kinematics with the bone tool has been very difficult for me.  I think I need to go back over that lesson.  Applying the bone tool to an object seems to be the easy part but testing the movement is the problem.


Sometimes in life you have to go back to the basic.  Well, while learning Adobe Flash I realize I need to go to the basic.  The first set of videos were too complicated and I did not know some of the terminology used in the video.  So I find a set of videos for the beginner and it has been very helpful. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PE3 (Part 3 Adobe Flash)

I am learning to add video to a website using Adobe Flash and hope to use some of the techniques that I am learning on my church’s website.  I will keep you updated.

PE2 (Part 2 of Adobe Flash)

Well, I got a bit over whelmed with Adobe Flash and wanted to change tools but I am not giving up that easy.  I am working on creating and animating a mask and using prebuilt animation.  I do believe that I made a wise move in learning Adobe Flash because I known this will be beneficial when it comes time to use it in class.  Still having fun!!!

PE1 (Part 1 - Adobe Flash)

For this assignment, I will be working on learning Flash.  My reason for choosing Flash is that I have never used it before and don’t know why I would ever use it.  I am not proficient with the other tools mentioned in the assignment (GarageBand, Google, iMovie) but I have used them before.  This is not the case with Flash.

The first thing I needed to do was to find out exactly what is Flash?  According to Wikepedia, "it is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to Web pages."

To learn more about Flash, I will be using  I finished the first two section creating and importing graphics.  

This is a snapshot of what the finished product should look like.

This is a snapshot of my finished product

I think I did OK but I still have a lot to learn.

W3 Reading

BP12 OMM StoryBird

BP11 Comment to Michael George

Follow the link to my comment on Michael George's post.

BP10 Comment to Dennis Woodward

Follow this link to my comment to Dennis Woodward's post.

BP9 StoryBird

In my quest for a web 2.0 tool to discuss this week, I found a site called Storybird.  Storybird is a site where you can read stories by other subscribers, create a story of your own, use the artwork that the site provides or collaborate with others to create a story.  I love the story behind Storybird.  A father and son wrote and illustrated a story for the mother based on a creature she had created.  The father loved the experience of collaborating with his son; he wanted to share that feeling with others.

Teachers who use this site can setup a class page (classes can have multiple pages) and add students to them.  Teacher can create assignments for students to complete.  The assignments are similar to story topics or ideas.  A new feature that Storybird is working on is allowing classes to collaborate with other classes around the world.

With Storybird you can create stories with friends and family members.  A grandparent and a grandchild can write a story together about anything they want.  Both the grandparent and the grandchild will cherish that precious time and book. 

The service is free but they will be introducing printing and premium services which will have fees associated with them.  When creating a story with Storybird, you can illustrate with art from the site.  Artwork is from artist around the world.  If you are an artist and have some images you would like to share with others, Storybird is an excellent venue for exposure.  In addition to the exposure, another benefit is that artists can develop a fan bases and followers.

I enjoyed creating my own story so much that I had shared this site with fellow teachers and I’m using it with my own students.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



Enjoy the One Minute Movie


My AR project will bring Pre-K teachers in my community together to collaborate on ideas and best practices in the classroom.  Here in Georgia, we have several state license agencies that we can work with.  However, the one that I work with could improve greatly on its web site and the way in which they communicate with the teachers. 

I am researching various social networking platforms in the quest to find the one that has my desired features.  Most of these applications allows for profiles, subgroups, blogs, forums, email alerts and notifications and a host of other collaboration features.  Teachers will be able to visit the site to post interesting classroom activities, answer questions on forums and communicate with each other.  Still, some of the teachers in my community don’t have computers in their classroom or at home for that matter.  For this reason, I am planning on having a text notification feature because a very high percentage of them do have cell phones with unlimited text capability.  I am considering using Tropo, which adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to a site.  Hopefully, this will allow the teachers to stay engaged, no matter where they are. 

For me to use Tropo on the social networking site, I would need a developer to help implement it.  There is no fee while you are in development mode, but once you begin using it on your site, you have to pay a per minute and a monthly fee.  I will continue researching other solutions that are either free or do not require customization to the site.  There may be a way to implement an email-to-text feature. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

The web 2.0 tool I will be discussing this week is is a platform for creating your own social network.  You can share documents, photos and videos as well as commenting on discussion boards and blog pages.  The platform allows you to create groups within your site.  It is very easy to setup, but has a limited number of templates to choose from.  I have not found a site that offers additional templates, but I also haven’t done a lot of research.  There are three levels or tiers with
1.     Free
2.     Pro ($25 a month)
3.     Ultimate ($30 a month)

With this social network, I hope to help Pre-K teacher collaborate on their lesson plans, assessments and other work product.  This should prove to be a very effective project as it is sometimes easier to get information from peers than from Pre-K consultants.  I look forward to being able to discuss issues, problems, successes, and failures with other colleagues and peers.  This could lead to other events like meet up groups, workshops and sub-organizations.  However, it will be nice to simply share and receive feedback.

Each week I hope to discuss different types of social network platforms.  I would love to have your feedback and comments on what you think of the different sites.  If you know of other social network platforms that I may want to consider, please let me know.  These social network platforms could be free, open source or paid for license.  Easy configuration, usability and being graphically rich are the most important.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

W1 Reading

Teacher Isolation-Loneliness in the Classroom
Gaikwad, S. and Brantley, P. (1992).  Teacher isolation – loneliness in the classroom.  Adventist Education, 14-16.

This article discusses three forms of isolation:
·           Egg-crate isolation – physical separation where the teacher has little contact with other teachers or professional.
·           Psychological isolation – state of mind
·          Adaptive isolation – teachers are unable to meet the demands of adapting to new teaching strategies.
Several suggestions were made about how to reduce teacher isolation.  One of them being collaboration among teachers in different states.

Why Teacher Networks (Can) Work
Niesz, T. (2007). Why teacher networks (can) work. Phi Delta Kappan, 88(8), 605-610. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

This article defines teacher networks as “groups of teachers organized for purposes related to teacher learning, inquiry, support, and school improvement.”  It looked at Wenger’s model of communities of practice which are divided into four categories.
·          Community:  learning as belonging
·          Identity:  learning as becoming
·          Practice:  learning as doing
·          Meaning:  leaning as experience
Two interesting ideas or points are:
1.     How teacher networks can improve the school as a whole
2.     How teacher networks can be more effective than teacher development classes. 

Teacher Participation in Online Communities:  Why Do Teachers Want to Participate in Self-Generated Online Communities of K-12 Teachers?
Jung Won, H., & Brush, T. (2009). Teacher participation in online communities: why do teachers want to participate in self-generated online communities of K-12 teachers?. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(3), 279-303. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

There are many studies on university and colleges online communities.  The authors of this study looked at three teacher developed online communities to examine their effectiveness.  The study found several reasons teachers participated in online communities, such as collectivism, personal gain, information seeking and emotion.  The study suggested that because of these reasons, teacher will continue to create and join online communities.

BP3_Diigo Group

Diigo is a social bookmarking site that I am using to help me organize the articles that I have found relating to my Action Research Project.

This is a screen shot of my AR Diigo Group.  I have invited my critical friends and colleagues.  I am just waiting for their reply.


I am new to iGoogle and did not see the need to make it my home screen.  Well, things are changing and iGoogle is now my home screen.  I like having everything I need just one click away.





Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

Google Reader is very new to me and I can see its value.  Here are my 5 RSS feeds.

The developer of this site use to be a Pre-K teacher in Georgia in a lottery funded Pre-K class.  Now, the school no longer receives those funds and is privately funded.  Karen Cox started out with just a website and over the years she has added a blog and a forum.  I use her website, blogs and forums to enhance my classroom. 

I found out about this site from PreKinders.  Vanessa Levin is the author and in a similar fashion, she also started out with a website and later added a blog.  The information she shares with readers is very valuable and I have used several of her ideas in my classroom.  Vanessa Levin was a contributing author for Inside Pre-K and also offers teacher workshops.

Both PreKinder and Pre-K Pages have introduced me to new ways to incorporate technology in my classroom and has given me several tools such as delicious and library thing.

This site gives me a boarder view of Pre-K and offers stimulating articles.  These articles have produces some interesting discussions.  It is related to the site Pre-K Now, which discusses some of the policies that will affect early childhood classes and teachers.

I found this site on Facebook.  Deborah posts and shares wonderful ideas from other websites that she finds fun and interesting and now I don’t have to subscribe to several different early childhood and home school sites to find ideas.

I recently found this site and it was primarily because the title caught my eye.  As a teacher, I am always looking for new ideas to use with my students.  When working with a limited budget, finding anything that is free is a blessing.

