Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

Google Reader is very new to me and I can see its value.  Here are my 5 RSS feeds.

The developer of this site use to be a Pre-K teacher in Georgia in a lottery funded Pre-K class.  Now, the school no longer receives those funds and is privately funded.  Karen Cox started out with just a website and over the years she has added a blog and a forum.  I use her website, blogs and forums to enhance my classroom. 

I found out about this site from PreKinders.  Vanessa Levin is the author and in a similar fashion, she also started out with a website and later added a blog.  The information she shares with readers is very valuable and I have used several of her ideas in my classroom.  Vanessa Levin was a contributing author for Inside Pre-K and also offers teacher workshops.

Both PreKinder and Pre-K Pages have introduced me to new ways to incorporate technology in my classroom and has given me several tools such as delicious and library thing.

This site gives me a boarder view of Pre-K and offers stimulating articles.  These articles have produces some interesting discussions.  It is related to the site Pre-K Now, which discusses some of the policies that will affect early childhood classes and teachers.

I found this site on Facebook.  Deborah posts and shares wonderful ideas from other websites that she finds fun and interesting and now I don’t have to subscribe to several different early childhood and home school sites to find ideas.

I recently found this site and it was primarily because the title caught my eye.  As a teacher, I am always looking for new ideas to use with my students.  When working with a limited budget, finding anything that is free is a blessing.

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