Monday, October 4, 2010

The web 2.0 tool I will be discussing this week is is a platform for creating your own social network.  You can share documents, photos and videos as well as commenting on discussion boards and blog pages.  The platform allows you to create groups within your site.  It is very easy to setup, but has a limited number of templates to choose from.  I have not found a site that offers additional templates, but I also haven’t done a lot of research.  There are three levels or tiers with
1.     Free
2.     Pro ($25 a month)
3.     Ultimate ($30 a month)

With this social network, I hope to help Pre-K teacher collaborate on their lesson plans, assessments and other work product.  This should prove to be a very effective project as it is sometimes easier to get information from peers than from Pre-K consultants.  I look forward to being able to discuss issues, problems, successes, and failures with other colleagues and peers.  This could lead to other events like meet up groups, workshops and sub-organizations.  However, it will be nice to simply share and receive feedback.

Each week I hope to discuss different types of social network platforms.  I would love to have your feedback and comments on what you think of the different sites.  If you know of other social network platforms that I may want to consider, please let me know.  These social network platforms could be free, open source or paid for license.  Easy configuration, usability and being graphically rich are the most important.


  1. Hi Sonni, Your blog looks great. I really like looking at the work you have done and to hear about the sites you found useful. I am in early education (kindergarten) as well and before I started this program, I didn’t realize just how much I can actually incorporate technology in the classroom and how helpful it would be to me. I have actually used some of the Web tools you have recommended in the past. I look forward to collaborating with you as a group member, cohort, and friend in the future. Monica

  2. Sonni,
    I was looking over the Web 2.0 site you researched called What really struck me was how you were going to use this site to collaborate with your co-workers and share lesson plans. Our department is trying to implement that with several of the common classes we teach. Currently we use Moodle, but that doesn’t always meet our needs. Moodle has been an awesome tool for communication with our students.

    I will be checking your blog again to see if you found any more awesome networking sites. Thanks for the post.

  3. Sonni,

    I have been looking at using Edmodo for a medium to work with my own staff on professional development but after reading your blog post, I plan on checking out to see if this would be a better fit for what I am working on. Your Action Research Project look very interesting and I look forward to following your blog and observing where your project takes you. I hope you discover some more amazing networking tools I can check out. Thanks.


