Sunday, October 10, 2010


My AR project will bring Pre-K teachers in my community together to collaborate on ideas and best practices in the classroom.  Here in Georgia, we have several state license agencies that we can work with.  However, the one that I work with could improve greatly on its web site and the way in which they communicate with the teachers. 

I am researching various social networking platforms in the quest to find the one that has my desired features.  Most of these applications allows for profiles, subgroups, blogs, forums, email alerts and notifications and a host of other collaboration features.  Teachers will be able to visit the site to post interesting classroom activities, answer questions on forums and communicate with each other.  Still, some of the teachers in my community don’t have computers in their classroom or at home for that matter.  For this reason, I am planning on having a text notification feature because a very high percentage of them do have cell phones with unlimited text capability.  I am considering using Tropo, which adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to a site.  Hopefully, this will allow the teachers to stay engaged, no matter where they are. 

For me to use Tropo on the social networking site, I would need a developer to help implement it.  There is no fee while you are in development mode, but once you begin using it on your site, you have to pay a per minute and a monthly fee.  I will continue researching other solutions that are either free or do not require customization to the site.  There may be a way to implement an email-to-text feature. 

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